The Division of Life Sciences has a variety of instruments and facilities that are open for usage. Please explore these shared facilities.

CBN Imaging Facility


The CBN Imaging Facility, housed in the Nelson Labs on Busch campus, has several pieces of equipment:

  1. Zeiss LSM800 Confocal
  2. IN Cell Analyzer 6000
  3. Olympus BX63 Epiflurorescence/Histology Microscope
  4. Leica DM5000 B Epifluorescence/Histology Microscope

For further information, contact [Dr. Kelvin Kwan].

To get additional information about the guidelines, please download the attachment linked [here].

Flow Cytometry


Located in the Nelson Biological Laboratories, the Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience has a four color BD FACscalibur. Use of this facility is limited to trained personnel in the Nelson Biological Laboratories.

Human Genetics Institute Imaging Facility


Housed in the Human Genetics Institute, this imaging core facility offers a broad range of instruments to meet your microscopy needs: from bright field and true color imaging, to epifluoresence, laser confocal, multispectral, laser dissection, and live imaging. The facility also offers image analysis software for use, including deconvolution, 3D-reconstruction, and advanced segmentation analysis.